Sunday, February 28, 2010

truth part 2.


26 minutes left...

Dear you,
I'm still awake
waiting for your chili to
finish cooking.
I can hear you tossing and turning
upstairs. [It's probably thoughts of eating
the delicious chili tomorrow]

I love you and I'm all yours.
This year is promising for us.
can't wait to see what happens.

You're starting a new job tomorrow at the city's newspaper web department. I'm so proud of you.

Again you're asleep and I am sitting here
thinking of you. Good Luck in the morning.
I love you.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Maggie- style # 14336. I Love loveee the Lime color of this!

new Kristin- large hobo- style # 14769.
I like the style of this and this color is nice [but i do love the lime.]
maybe i could even use a black or taupe purse.

i think i'll have to make a trip to the coach store soon

Thursday, February 25, 2010

a figure of speech

The greatest thing you'll ever know
is just to Love
and be Loved in return.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

morning elegance

My dad showed this
to me a while ago.
thought it was neat.


I don't actually have any of these books though I have read them.
it would be nice to add them to my collection. I like these covers.
[by Mikey Burton,]

Sunday, February 21, 2010

hello there...

sometimes all you need is a phone call
for an hour and forty minutes
to a good friend
to get a point of view of the world around you and know you're doing alright.

[hanging out over then phone
when it seems like a lot to meet up ha]

no big deal

my thoughts have been racing lately
wish i could keep them in a jar
and figure out what i need

i feel like i have something creative up my sleeve
but i do not have the slightest clue how to express this feeling

running running running
i'm always moving somethings got to be next.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Holstee is a new clothing company that makes all of their products out of 100% recycled materials. Both reclaimed consumer and industrial plastic waste is used to make the polyester fabric for their t-shirts, headbands and bandannas.

Their solid, basic gray t-shirts also offer an interesting patch of colored fabric on the side that is actually a zippered pocket.

[i really like the checkers fin]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

is it expected?

selfish people get noticed
selfless people get over looked

may a selfless person be selfish to not get overlooked.
when will selfish and selfish merge? in harmony?

humor is a way to express thoughts.

two types don't mesh
one can be cynical
and the other can be
sitcom humor.

[dinner with a friend who has been through a lot
catching up and learning more she gave good words]

Saturday, February 13, 2010

ee cummings valentine's

you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart.)

Friday, February 12, 2010

2 hearts

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
That's why i choose to be with Bradley.
he makes me happy, we're happy.

this is valentines weekend.
I'm really excited. he's been tricking me into
thinking we might not do anything (which is fine)
but last night he told me he has a whole weekend
planned up his sleeve. Valentines Day is a girls holiday.

it annoys me when people HATE valentines day that sounds just
about as cool as hating ground hogs day or presidents day something
silly like that. The world isn't trying to point out how you're alone.
Others are just trying to love and live happily together. So what they
want to make each other feel a little special more than other days of the week.
Let them do it no one wants to hear you complain.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

human interface

I thought this was funny...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I saw a friend today who i haven't seen in a while.
I was catching up telling her about my day to day in this wonderful world..
busy busy bees we both are, i had to take a breath
i paused and thought to myself and then out loud
'i do something everyday. Even on a day off i am busy doing something.i'm exhausted'
my friend reminded me -" sometimes you need to remember yourself, we all need a break."

something so simple, and incredibly simple to over look.
i like to dedicate my time to others and enjoy what i do.

after really thinking about it i am tired, i need a break.
looking forward to flying to Arizona.

Monday, February 1, 2010


scrolling through random blogs they are all in different languages
i can't wait to learn a new language then i can start writing in French
and only Carrie will be able to decipher my messages ha.

that'll probably happen in 2 years but it will happen :)

