Wednesday, June 29, 2011

absolutely unique

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” – Margaret Mead

(via Swiss-Miss)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June Cook Out

I love the girls I work with. More than that I love hanging out side of work.
Sunday Jenny had a cook out at her house.

Come One, Come All

I've started making signs for our garage sale July 9th!
Forget what I said in my last post, through some miracle we are staying at our current house.
The house I love. This year is going to be full of good things!

I'm so excited.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Memorial Day Camping trip 2011

Here are a couple of pictures from camping.
I can't wait until next year.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Practicum.

I got offered the intern position at MLJ Adoptions. My friend Rachel will also be an intern there with me. I'm SO excited. We couldn't go to Romania but at least we get to work together. I start August 22nd. I'll post again after my first day.

This fall is going to be crazy busy. 340+ practicum hours. 4 final classes and still working as much as I can to not be completely broke... this is my last busy semester of college! I can't wait for this next year to fly by so we can start the rest of our lives :)

Moving Time.

In a little over a month I am moving back to my home town.
I have mixed emotions about it. I'm 24 years old and never thought
I would be doing this.
For my future (for our future) I think this will be good.
I will spend needed time with my family before I possibly(hopefully) move out of state.
I will save money, sometimes that's hard to do. But I need to do before I graduate.

My first place I had for three years I LOVED. It was my own and my own time to discover who I was.
Our first place was was cute but we were glad to move.
Our first house...I'm in Love again. I'm super sad to move it just fits us.
If I could buy this house and take it where ever I go I would. Yellow house, red door, awesome kitchen, and big backyard.

I love living with Bradley and last night he asked if we could stay in our house. It broke my heart to say I couldn't afford to do that. Being so attached to a place where I live is weird. But the place you live is where you spend most your time and have a lot of memories, plus I HATE moving. Packing, unpacking and re-situating. Maybe, something will go right and some miracle will happen and I will get to stay here for another year...I shouldn't get my hopes up. I just hate seeing this dumb lock on our door for people to come in to view our house as they please.
